Slipstream Poets was founded in 1999 by the late Ursula Kiernan, the well-known West Sussex poet.  She wanted local people to share their enjoyment of poetry and develop their own skills in writing poetry.

We meet

on the first Monday afternoon of each month at some of the homes of our West Sussex members and invariably car share to the various locations.
From 1.30pm until 4.30pm
For an annual membership fee of £20.

The meetings

are workshops, run either by one of our members or by invited well-known poets. A number of our members are happy to run a workshop but it’s not compulsory.


Sometimes we look at and discuss the works of a particular poet for our inspiration or we may look at a theme and see how different poets approach that theme.

Suitably inspired, there is then the opportunity for writing, sharing, and commenting.

Our members

Many of us have been in the group since the beginning in 1999. We are a lively group and are all very sharp-minded. We would welcome new members of any age to join our group. Any budding poets out there?

Among us are accomplished poets, publishing, winning competitions, while some of us are still working on it.

Do we do anything else? – Yes!

Group members often take part in outside activities, either as one-off presentations of their own work, or readings of published poetry. We also support other local Arts Groups and Charities.

Plus, we run our own Competitions

For many years we have run an Open National Poetry Competition with valuable cash prizes. These competitions have always attracted entries from all over the country. Since giving entrants the opportunity to enter online several years ago, we have now received entries from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North America and South America.

Poets living in West Sussex who enter The Open Competition, have their poems entered for the Chanctonbury Cup in addition to the main competition. The winner of this holds the Cup for a year.

No-one receives more than one prize. You can read Winning poems and Judges’ comments from our latest competitions in our Competition section.

If you would like to join us?

If so get in contact with one of the nominated people shown in the Members page if you know them or use the ‘Contact Us’ form.